Monday, January 18, 2010

show moved, still will rule.

so our show @ the annex on Feb. 5th is now moved to the wrench in the works (along with all shows that were originally scheduled @ the annex.)

the place rules, and it's still gonna be a sweet show.

so, come all ye faithful.

i wonder if people are confused by our religious slant to this blog.

anyways, here's a video that is pretty painful/entertaining to watch.

mashi mishu - cass

Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti controversy needs focus, not distractions.

look : rush limbaugh is a media monger who always loves to say outlandish things and then when people jump all over it's insensitivity or lack of accuracy or basis, he says what he MEANT to say and blames the "liberal media" for twisting his own words.

don't you see that he LOVES to fondle the media, and the media doesn't realize it's being duped?
don't you see that his completely unfounded theories and comments help to feed his exposure?

he is a master manipulator, and i am so sick of the media giving into it, showcasing it, even HIGHLIGHTING it.

but at the same time, he is such an easy target, it's almost like when covering these "stories", we aren't focusing on the reality at hand : that Haiti had a massively devasting earthquake, which in no way showcases their long, disturbing, turbulant history of struggle in leadership and in quality of life.

so in short : GET OVER  WHAT RUSH SAID. it doesn't really matter. are you REALLY shocked at his accusations? Or that of his counterpart - pat robinson?

let's focus on a country that, at present, is in need of help and restablization. even though they have long needed help and restablization, it's beside the fact. focus on the current, not on previous matters, or what or who is catalyzing the controversy.

and don't worry - limbaugh's been a pill popping egomaniacal tyrant who, if he is to take his own edict to heart, is going to hell anyways.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

just stumbled upon this clip again

what can we say about this guy

shit just rules so hard

-mike scum/bum

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

show time. are you ready? repent !repent! repent!

hey friends!

(yeah right)
us scummers playing a show in wonderful, weird, and  wild Willimantic CT

this is the info
The Annex
Feb 5th
8 oclock
five bones or some shit

Rapture Scum, Indra Zen Versus the World, Bloody Swimsuit, Angleworm, Hunting Simon

i think were gonna open the show

Also this Saturday the 16th of January

our greatest bestest friends
the myth Charles Day
and the holy Kevin Kelly

are entertaining the the art world of new london

at the take out gallery

dont be lame and come to at least one of these events
i know its alot to ask
but it shouldnt be

i hope the people in Haiti  are okay and get some relief soon

eternally yrs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


guten tag.

hey all your interneters.
since we aren't into the idea of the prostitution of our band, we decline the "networking" sites, for a more open, less pimp-oriented approach : the blog.

we hope to have a space for stimulation and the like, as well as keeping you all in the loop about rapture scum's freewheelin' happenings.

so, without further adieu, please consider us THE SOURCE, or at least consider us, period.
and although i am not entirely comfortable with the implementation of "following" people, hopefully you'll find your way onto our page for some tasty tidbits once in a while.

yours truly,
cass scum xoxo